That ‘circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter’ (Rom 2:29), that the distinguishing mark of a true follower of Christ, of one who is in a state of acceptance with God, is not either outward circumcision or baptism, or any other outward form, but a right state of soul–a mind and spirit renewed after the image of him that created it–is one of those important truths that can only be ‘spiritually discerned.’
–John Wesley, Circumcision of the Heart, Sermon 17, 1733
It’s an interesting thing to work in an established church when you have ideals of restoring the fire once kindled in the early Christian movement. You want to see the joy of salvation spreading out into the world but you suddenly notice a lot of grumpy faces in your congregation. Men and women who have been formed for decades into a more establishment model of church don’t understand talk of movement. When church membership means someone pays a fee to get privileges you cultivate a culture of grumblers lost in the wilderness. But the joy of the Lord is bigger than those 40 years of wandering. The fire of salvation is shut up in my bones and I can’t contain it. I think the pastor’s job in this situation might be to surround herself with those people in her church who show those fruits of the Spirit, who recognize that membership to the Body of Christ implies humility, faith, hope, and charity. I think the pastor’s job is to lead the charge of prayer with those people for the church and the community to find itself renewed after the imago dei, formed through the Spirit into a kingdom community, where the Amazing Love who died for us emblazons a fire of joy, real joy, into this world.