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Gen’l Confluence Cameth and Wenteth, Page 12

Gen’l Confluence Cameth and Wenteth, Page 12 published on Purchase

We’ve reached the end of our tale, or is it just a new beginning?  The legislation moved forward at General Conference will now be processed by the annual conferences meeting around the world this month.  This has been a fun series to write and even more fun to draw! While the Pragmatic Four characters are designed to be a silly way to process our theological task, I wanted to end the series with our American Methodist founders leading the charge into a practical application.  While John Wesley provided much of the structure and theology for the Methodist movement, it was Francis Asbury and his right-hand man, Harry Hosier, who kicked up dust circuit riding all over America spreading the Gospel and building Christian communities.

From page one of this series, I knew exactly the final image I wanted to conclude this story (even when I didn’t know WHAT the outcome of General Conference would be).  This picture of Francis Asbury as the Marvel hero, Ghost Rider, popping a wheelie and shouting Asbury’s famous phrase, “I must ride or die!”  Because the truth is, regardless of how the church passes legislation or refuses to change, it is our responsibility to to go out into the world to love God and neighbor.

As this series comes to a close, I pray you find encouragement for the journey ahead.  The world is and always will be our parish. Not to conquer, but to love.

< Page 1.  < Page 11.

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