If you can say your contemporary worship service would’ve been cool in the 90’s, it’s time to redefine “contemporary.”
Music was fundamental to the Methodist movement. Charles Wesley put John’s theology into lyric and combined with simple, singable tunes that had everyone singing with passion, and humming later. John Wesley carefully chose what songs would be sung by Methodists to ensure the soundness of the doctrine. He even devised 7 rules for congregational singing, which surmount to the idea that singing is not about “me,” but about the spiritual richness that is developed in praising God.
Michael Bolton has been the butt of jokes since he arrived on the scene. But he sings with such conviction. Just do an image search for “Michael Bolton singing” and check out those righteous faces he makes when he makes love to that microphone. Everyone seems to have strong opinions about what makes for “good” worship. Maybe instead of focusing on what was cool then or now, the leadership should be asking: “Is our worship leading the congregation to greater devotion to God, or creating more distractions?”