If you want to give up hope in humanity, read the comments sections on anything that matters. If you want to relinquish your soul, start blogging. Nobody seems to know what to do with all this social media. The anonymity leads many to many to be far more blatantly cruel than I imagine they would be face to face. The possibility of being noticed leads many to do what it takes to get their name out there. I hate Twitter because it’s nothing BUT a comments section. Boo.
John Wesley’s concepts of Hell were influenced by Dante, the 14th century poet who concocted 9 levels of Hell (plus one level for the virtuous non-Christians) where the eternal punishment poetically fit the earthly sin. Dante chose the pagan poet Virgil to be his guide through Hell. I thought it would be great to have one of history’s greatest poets find words to rhyme with “horny” and “butthole.” You can read John Wesley’s actual blog (sermon) On Hell at this link. Wesley did not believe in Purgatory or Limbo, because his concept of prevenient grace meant that there is no one completely devoid of the love God. His preaching about hell was clearly meant to motivate his hearers to weigh their present troubles and temptations against the possibility of eternal reward or punishment. If I believed I would spend an eternity dipped in a pool of boiling excrement, I’d think twice before I trolled somebody!
My brother’s cat, Cal Ripken Jr., Jr. makes his internet debut as “Mittenz” in the 8th circle of Hell. Dafek?!