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My Comics

What Would Jesus Tweet

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It’s a new day of relational ministry!  Social media!  Now I don’t have to actually minister to people in person!  I can build up networks that make me famous in certain blogging circles while also hoping that 5% of my congregation reads what I do so that I can count it as my job!  I am allowed to make this joke because I write this comic, #sothere.

I’m away at a camp this week with High School students, and missed my Tuesday comic deadline because I spent the entire night in the ER with a kid who had a nail go through his foot.  Though I only got a total of 2 hours of sleep between two full days of home repairs camp, it was #worthit because of all the #relationships that happen in the #ERat4am.  Anywayzzzz, I just blew 25 minutes in Caribou Coffee posting this comic while my youth are out fixing people’s homes.  But you’ll be pleased to know I spent the bulk of my time drawing it at home when I was supposed to be parenting my children.  #onduty.

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