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A Die Hard Christmas Pageant, Part 6

A Die Hard Christmas Pageant, Part 6 published on Purchase

Happy Epiphany, my darlings! Epiphany is this beautiful moment in the Christian year where we notice God’s brilliant, easily-missed revelation.  While we tell the tale of the magi following a star on Epiphany, I love to remember how even with a celestial event revealing God breaking into the world, only three-ish wise foreigners noticed enough to follow it and see what it meant.  I take it not only as a reminder that God’s revelation is clear and presently available for all people, but how easily we tend to miss it.

But enough of that meaningful reflection, we’re trying to wrap up a series conflating the Die Hard movie with a small church christmas pageant!  In part 6, John finally confronts Herod and we hear the villainous monologue we’ve all been waiting for.  Also, couldn’t help but Method-ize the famous Die Hard line, “This time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly,’ to which Bruce Willis replies, “It’s Gary Cooper, a—-ole,” and everyone laughs and laughs. I recognize this joke is for the exactly three people in my audience who will find it hilarious.

Our story will conclude with the next post! And until then, may you find the light of Christ, however subtly it shines into your gloom, my friends.

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